
Sunday, August 12, 2012

How to Handle Lifes Difficulties in 500 Words Or Less

Every life is filled with difficulty. There is no way around it. The question is how to handle the situations that arise.
The deepest truths on how to handle life can be expressed in very few words. The philosophy behind the truths as well as the implementation of the truths can fill a library.
For example, you will hear it said that acceptance of whatever happens makes life easier. The concept of acceptance is taught in many traditions by many teachers and masters.
Does acceptance mean that you give up, that you must simply do nothing? No, acceptance means that you don't attempt to change the situation from what it truly is. Once you recognize the problem then you can search for the solution.
For instance, you've just been diagnosed with an illness. It isn't serious right now, but it could be if you don't take steps to change your lifestyle. If you accept that you have this disease, and if you do want to be healthy, you examine your options and implement those that will be for your best. If you deny your diagnosis you will continue on the path to deterioration.
Continuing the unhealthy path by simply saying "This is the way I am" is a sign of intellectual dishonesty as well as a lack of courage.
Many of you are familiar with what is called the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
"Wisdom" is about discernment. There are things you just don't have the power to change... almost anything about someone else. Then there are those things within your power to change... much of your own personal attitudes and actions. And, of course, there are those things within you that are near impossible to change... your height being one of them.
Wisdom is the discernment of knowing what you can change and what you can't change. Acceptance is coming to peace with the immovable fact or situation before you. Wisdom is realizing whether you are being honest with yourself in saying you can't alter something, or just plain lazy.
You gain wisdom by learning from your experiences. Some people do not appear to learn. Others learn very quickly. It takes rigorous honesty and the courage to face the truth about yourself and others to gain wisdom.
Your life is a balance of being proactive and of waiting for what comes. There are times when you will feel the deep urge to be proactive. Follow the urge. If following the urge results in what you would call disaster, then stop and wait. Listen. Feel. Experience.
If you feel yourself fighting the same battles repeatedly, with yourself or others, ask yourself, "Is this something that can change?" If it isn't, develop a plan to live your life with what is. If it is changeable, develop a plan and stick to it.
Cathy Chapman, Ph.D., LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker assisting people achieve their dreams of health, wealth and abundance through Mind-Body Psychology. She works from a spiritual and energetic model employing BodyTalk and Psych-K to balance the body and change beliefs. Cathy offers free of charge a powerful spiritual healing tool anyone can use. Get your Soul Healing Prayer now at

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3924036

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